By Manasseh Umoette

He fits perfectly into the dictum as advanced by John Maxwell who posited long time ago that, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
He came into office armed with the right mentality and momentum. One is therefore not overly surprised by his intentional strides barely 4 months in office.
His style in council has been nothing but purposeful and impactful. And so, as Simon Sinek said, “he is not just in charge, but he is equally taking care of those in his charge”.
For the Chairman of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area, Elder Aniefiok Nkom, his leadership style is a study in resilience and purpose. He has led the famed Raffia City with a touch of masterclass.
His steps and policies have been measured and calculated. Not a flippant fellow, the council boss has not just pointed the way, but he is intentionally going the way, dispensing indescribable leadership acumen and leading the people with clear vision and intentionality.
When he came with the campaign mantra,” making the first, the best”, not many people took him seriously. But barely 4 months in office, he has left no one in doubt that he came to restore the lost glory of Ikot Ekpene, the premier local government in British colonized West Africa.
So far, he has proved to be the missing piece Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area long needed to drive the affairs of the council. His charisma, drive, programmes and policies bear testaments to the foregoing.
Today, Nkom has breathed a new lease of life into the council secretariat. The facility now wears a new look courtesy of a man who has shown that he was ready for leadership in every sense of the word.
The council secretariat now beams with life, making the place a beehive of activities. This is down to the man who holds the reins of leadership in the council. He is not just a workaholic, but proactive and result-driven.
Under him, the hydra-headed issue of potholes has received attention. And so some major potholes in the area have disappeared into thin air, making for ease of vehicular movement.
Some roads hitherto impassable have given way to smoother and well-paved ones, making them motorable and beautiful for all road users who previously had their hearts in their mouths while using the roads. But today, the story is different. Now, driving on these roads have become nothing but a pleasurable expedition.
Today, Essien Road, Dibue, Church road, Abiakpo,Old ltu road all bear the imprint of Nkom’s zeal to make Ikot Ekpene the first as the best. He is intentional about his avowed desire to make Ikot Ekpene truly the best. And the signs are not only encouraging, but they inspire great hope and optimism that the future of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area is bright.
At a time illegal motor parks became a common feature in Ikot Ekpene, but today, the council chair has demonstrated an uncanny political will to stop all that. Roadside trading that posed threats to the life of traders and negatively punctured the aesthetics of Ikot Ekpene has also been addressed. The almighty Otor market known for its penchant for roadside trading is receiving some level of sanity. We pray for total sanity in the days to come.
What is more. Mr. Nkom has proven to be on ground and at home with his people. A fine mixer and socialite, he has already won the hearts of the people across all demographics of the area. The elders are awed by his cool-headedness, his accessibility has left the women in sheer wonder, the youths are beaming with hope as they struggle to come to terms with the man they have as local government chairman.
As the days go by, the people of Ikot Ekpene can look forward to more democratic dividends with some measure of optimism, because the man who holds the yam and knife of the council is a square peg in a square hole.
Mr. Nkom has barely started, but the passion and purpose he has brought to leadership of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area is at once awe-inspiring and hope-inducing.
With him in the saddle, Ikot Ekpene is certainly in safe hands. And so looking back, the people are glad they made their choice in him at the last polls to have him sit over the affairs of Ikot Ekpene as chairman.
So far so good, the dividends of that decision are bearing fruits of hope. So, it is with undiluted excitement that the people look into the future, believing that the captain of the ship of Ikot Ekpene will paddle it to paradise.
For Nkom, it’s been first quarter of impact, purpose, vision and surefootedness in administrative excellence. With the continued support of Ikot Ekpene people, the calm, cool and collected fellow will have the needed energy in overflowing quantity to oversee the affairs of Ikot Ekpene LGA with his already demonstrated characteristic know-how. Truly, the first can be the best.