“Mungo Park didn’t dîscover River Niger. It was African natives that took Mungo Park to the source of River Niger in Lokoja or whatever.” Seun Kuti
“Stop letting history written by the whîte man deceîve you. History was written by whîte men and added to our curriculum because you can’t dîspute what you don’t know. So they virtually contról what we know and what we don’t know but almost everything we know are lîes. They told us that Mungo Park discovered River Niger ! We were very stupîd to accept that Mungo Park discovered River Niger. There’s a difference between and the answer. You need those answers to navigate in this world of lîes where we have been made to believe that Africans knew nothîng before the coming of the whîte man. If you belîeve that Mungo Park discovered River Niger, then you must believe that Africans who were using that water everyday who showed Mungo Park the source of that river are not humān beings. It was Africans that took Mungo Park to the source of River Niger in Lokoja. If you belîeve that Mungo Park discovered River Niger, then you must belîeve that your ancestors were truly anîmals. If you don’t believe that your ancestors are anîmals, how then do you explain the fact that someone discovered something in a place where people were already living there before him. How can somebody come to your house and tell you he discovered your building of which you were already living there?” Seun Kuti
The best way to contrôl humān beings by is not lettîng them know what they need to know and that’s exactly what has been done to Africans.
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