Woke up to the news and almost catch cold 🥶. Where is this child going to start from considering the fact that Flavour has been there for him and gave him life . Made him a star and mentored him 🤦♂️
Common guys 😋😁Flavour hasn’t disowned him . Flavour adopted this boy legally and I feel like we’ve never thanked him enough . Flavour came into this boy’s life when he was still young , he felt something for him and decided to adopt him LEGALLY.
He is the big brother to his little girls . Semah is not from Nigeria , he is from Liberia but that didn’t stop Flavour from showing this kid love . He treats him as his son and he is the father . This is not what many people can do . Flavour has kids but he still choose to adopt the poor blind boy and give him life .
This is the greatest gift he could give this boy . It’s been years and he has been an excellent father to this boy .Today we celebrate him .
God bless him for coming through for this boy .
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